Laxík was a source of inspiration and strong emotional experiences.
When one says Radio Luxembourg, my youth immediately comes up and the voice of the presenter that sent amazing ´60 music to me from London West One. Hank Marvin from Shadows and the song Apache or Peter Gunn from Duane Eddy were hits that pushed me to start playing the guitar, and thanks to the Beatles whose songs I used to listen to holding a pencil and a piece of paper in my hand in order to write down the accords, I started to compose. Laxík was a source of inspiration and strong emotional experiences that did not succumb to the inflation of an easy availability, because I did not always manage to tune to it on my crystal radio. I like remembering this station with appreciation, because it influenced my future life considerably.
Radio Luxembourg is at the origin of my continuous appearances on Czech and Slovak stages.
Till today, I know to say with a perfect English accent the sentence: „Radio Luxembourg, your Station of the Stars.“